Courting the Dawn, Martin Shaw

Poems of Lorca: Courting the Dawn

Federica Garcia Lorca (1898-1936) is regarded as one of the great poets of the twentieth century. His essential darkness, passion and sensitivity to magic have sometimes been hard to capture in linguistic migration. But these translations from Martin Shaw and Stephan Harding successfully carry an unruly cast of Lorca’s duende spirits into the sometimes restrained northern tones of the English language.

Poems of Lorca: Courting the Dawn translations by Martin Shaw with Stephan Harding available from Cista Mystica Press (2019).

Courting the Dawn, Martin Shaw

Poems of Lorca: Courting the Dawn

Federica Garcia Lorca (1898-1936) is regarded as one of the great poets of the twentieth century. His essential darkness, passion and sensitivity to magic have sometimes been hard to capture in linguistic migration. But these translations from Martin Shaw and Stephan Harding successfully carry an unruly cast of Lorca’s duende spirits into the sometimes restrained northern tones of the English language.

Poems of Lorca: Courting the Dawn translations by Martin Shaw with Stephan Harding available from Cista Mystica Press (2019).